Images of our work W455 Inbred Table Beet Beta marĂtima in greenhouse Carrot planting in 2021 Organic Badger Flame at Wegman’s Cutting Onions in April Carrot protoplasts by Chandler Emilee harvesting at EMARS Bacterial Leaf Spot Symptoms on Table Beet Andrey and Liam planting at Arlington Hort Farm Emilee, Liam, Andrey planting at Tipi Produce in Evansville Group photo of the 50th Anniversary of the Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics Program, 2018 Vegetable Snowperson by Adam D’Angelo Coveralls for outdoor work during the pandemic Jessika Greendeer, Ho Chunk Maize Irwin Goldman in Field (credit M. Dillon) Iszie Tigges-Green Solveig Hanson Beets on Display Carrots on Display in New York Gregory Vogel Natalie Melo and Amy Freidig Lauren Brzozowski Jeremy and Greg at Randolph William Briggs Greenhouse Beet Breeding Goldman Lab at EMARS Farm Moving Target Selections Beet Root Selection in the Carrot and Beet Lab Alex Williams (Photo Credit CALS) Imaging of Carrot Roots using Scott Brainard’s Imaging System Turtle Mountain Corn from Dan Cornelius, Horticulture 380 Wisconsin State Journal, 2021 Table Beet Cultivar ‘Ideal Dapple’ Goldman Lab at Arlington, Wisconsin in 2022 Pumpkin Regatta Carrot from Protoplast Goldman Lab Planting Carrots