
Complete List of Publications

  1. Goldman, I.L., T.E. Carter, Jr., and R.P. Patterson. 1987. Differential Genotypic Response to Drought Stress and Subsoil Aluminum in Soybean. Crop Science. 29:330-334.
  2. Goldman, I.L., T.E. Carter, Jr., and R.P. Patterson. 1987. A Detrimental Interaction of Subsoil Aluminum and Drought Stress on the Leaf Water Status of Soybean. Agronomy Journal. 81:461-463.
  3. Goldman, I.L., and E.T. Gritton. 1991. Expression of the Tendrilled Acacia Trait in the Afila-Tendrilled Acacia Pea Leaf during Plant Development. Journal of Heredity. 82:479-483. PDF
  4. Goldman, I.L., and E.T. Gritton. 1992.  Evaluation of the Afila-Tendriled Acacia Pea Foliage Type under Minimal Competition. Crop Science.  32:851-855.
  5. Goldman, I.L., E.T. Gritton, and P.J. Flannery. 1992. Evaluation of the Afila-Tendriled Acacia Pea Foliage Type under High Competition. Crop Science. 32:855-861.
  6. Goldman, I.L., and E.T. Gritton. 1992. Seasonal Variation in Leaf Component Allocation in Normal, Afila, and Afila-tendrilled Acacia Pea Foliage Near-isolines. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 117:1017-1020.
  7. Goldman, I.L., T.R. Rocheford, and J.W. Dudley. 1993. Quantitative Trait Loci Influencing Protein and Starch Concentration in the Illinois Long Term Selection maize strains. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 87:217-224.
  8. Goldman, I.L., T.R. Rocheford, and J.W. Dudley. 1994. Molecular Markers Associated with Maize Kernel Oil Concentration in an Illinois High Protein x Illinois Low Protein Cross. Crop Science. 34:908-915.
  9. Gabelman, W.H., I.L. Goldman, and D.N. Breitbach. 1994. Field evaluation and selection for resistance to aster yellows in carrot (Daucus carota L.). Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 119:1293-1297.
  10. Goldman, I.L. and W.F. Tracy. 1994. Kernel protein concentration in sugary-1 and shrunken-2 sweet corn. HortScience. 29:209-210.
  11. Goldman, I.L., B.S. Schwartz, and M. Kopelberg. 1995. Variability in blood platelet inhibitory activity of Allium  species accessions. American Journal of Botany. 82: 827-832.
  12. Goldman, I.L. 1995. Differential effect of population density on shape and size of cylindrical red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) genotypes. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 1206:906-908.
  13. Paran, I., I.L. Goldman, S.D. Tanksley, and D. Zamir. 1995. Recombinant inbred lines for genetic mapping in tomato. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 90:542-548.
  14. Goldman, I.L., I. Paran, and D. Zamir. 1995. Quantitative trait locus analysis of a recombinant inbred line population derived from a Lycopersicon esculentum X Lycopersicon cheesmanii cross. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 90:925-932.
  15. Goldman and M. Kopelberg. 1996. Comparative antiplatelet activity of four cultivated onion (Allium cepa) genotypes. Acta Horticulturae. 426:255-8.
  16. Wang and I.L. Goldman. 1996. Red beet (Beta vulgaris) inbred lines and plant introductions differ in root folic acid content. Acta Horticulturae. 426:273-6.
  17. Eagen, K.A. and I.L. Goldman. 1996. Assessment of RAPD marker frequencies over cycles of recurrent selection for pigment concentration and percent solids in red beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Molecular Breeding. 2:107-115.
  18. Goldman, I.L., K.A. Eagen, D.N. Breitbach, and W.H. Gabelman. 1996. Simultaneous selection is effective in increasing betalain pigment concentration but not total dissolved solids in red beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 121:23-6.
  19. Wang, M., and I.L. Goldman. 1996. Resistance to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood) infection in carrot (Daucus carota L.) is controlled by two recessive genes. Journal of Heredity. 87:119-23.
  20. Goldman, I.L. and D.N. Breitbach. 1996. Inheritance of a recessive character controlling reduced carotenoid pigmentation in carrot (Daucus carota L.). Journal of Heredity. 87:380-382. PDF
  21. Goldman, I.L. 1996. A list of germplasm releases from the University of Wisconsin table Beet Breeding Program, 1964-1992. HortScience. 31:880-881.
  22. Goldman, I.L. 1996. A list of germplasm releases from the University of Wisconsin Onion Breeding Program, 1957-1993. HortScience. 31:878-879.
  23. Goldman, I.L. 1996. A list of germplasm releases from the University of Wisconsin Carrot Breeding Program,1964-1993. HortScience. 31:882-883.
  24. Goldman, I.L., M. Kopelberg, J.E.P. Debaene. 1996. Antiplatelet activity in Onion (Allium cepa) is Sulfur Dependent. Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 76:450-2.
  25. Goldman, I.L., 1996. Elevated antiplatelet activity Induced by Extracts from Onion umbels. HortScience. 31:874.
  26. Wang, M., and I.L. Goldman. 1996. Phenotypic variation in free folic acid content among F1 hybrids and open-pollinated cultivars of red beet. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 121:1040-1042.
  27. Wang, M., and I.L. Goldman. 1997.  Accumulation and distribution of free folic acid content in red beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.  50:1-8.
  28. Goldman, I.L., and J.F. Watson. 1997.  Inheritance and phenocopy of a Red Beet giberrellic acid-deficient dwarf mutant. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science.  122:315-318.
  29. Watson, J.F., and I.L. Goldman. 1997.  Inheritance of a gene conditioning blotchy root color in Beta vulgaris.  J. Heredity.  88:540-543.
  30. Paran, I., I.L. Goldman, and D. Zamir. 1997.  QTL analysis of morphological traits in a tomato recombinant inbred line population.  Genome.  40:242-248.
  31. Barak, P., and I.L. Goldman. 1997.  Antagonistic relationship between selenate and sulfate uptake in onion (Allium cepa):  Implications for the production of organosulfur and organoselenium compounds in Plants.  J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry.  45:1290-1294.
  32. Wang, M., and I.L. Goldman. 1997. Transgressive segregation and reciprocal effect for free folic acid content in a red beet population.  Euphytica. 96:317-321.
  33. Goldman, I.L. 1998. Inheritance of ffs, a gene conditioning fasciated flower stem in red beet. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 123:632-634.
  34. Goldman, I.L., 1998.  From out of old fields comes all this new corn: An historical perspective on heterosis in Plant Improvement. P. 1-12. In: Concepts and Breeding of Heterosis in Crop Plants. K.R. Lamkey and J. Staub, eds. Crop Science Society of America Special Publication No. 25. Crop Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
  35. Debaene, J.E.P., I.L. Goldman, and B. S. Yandell. 1999. Postharvest flux and genotype x environment effects for onion-induced antiplatelet activity, pungency, and soluble solids in long day onion during postharvest cold storage. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 124:366-372.
  36. Goldman, I.L., A.A. Kader, and C. Heintz. 1999. Influence of Production, Handling, and Storage on Phytonutrient Content of Foods. Nutr. Reviews. (II)S46-S52.
  37. Goldman, I.L., 1999.  Inbreeding and outbreeding in the development of a modern heterosis concept. In: The Genetics and Exploitation of Heterosis in Crops; An International Symposium. J.G. Coors, ed. CIMMYT,  Mexico City, Mexico.
  38. Wang, M., and I.L. Goldman. 1999. Genetic Distance and Diversity in Table Beet and Sugar Beet Accessions Measured by Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 124:630-635.
  39. Goldman, I.L. 1999. Teaching recurrent selection in the Classroom with Wisconsin Fast Plants. HortTechnology. 9:579-584.
  40. Goldman, I.L. 2000. Prediction in plant breeding. Plant Breeding Reviews. 19:15-40.
  41. Goldman, I.L., M.J. Havey, and G. Schroeck. 2000. History of public onion breeding programs in the United States. Plant Breeding Reviews. 20:67-103.
  42. Goldman, I.L., and D. Austin. 2000. Linkage among the R, Y, and bl loci in table beet. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 100:337-343.
  43. Von Elbe, J., and I.L. Goldman. 2000. The Betalains. In: Natural Colors in Food. G.J. Lauro and F.J. Francis, eds. Marcel Dekker, New York.  P. 11-30.
  44. Briggs. W.H., Xiao, H., Shen, C., Parkin, K.L., and I.L. Goldman. 2000. Differential inhibition of Human Platelet Aggregation by selected Allium thiosulfinates. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 11:5731-5735.
  45. Goldman, I. L., and M. J. Havey. History and Pedigree of Public Onion Releases in the United States. Onion World Feb. 2000: 10-14.
  46. Galmarini, C., I.L. Goldman, and M.J. Havey. 2001. Genetic analyses of correlated solids, flavor, and health-enhancing traits in onion (Allium cepa L.). Molecular and General Genetics. 265:543-551
  47. Austin, D., and I.L. Goldman. 2001. Transmission ratio distortion due to the bl gene in table beet. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 126:340-343.
  48. Orvis, K., Barak, P., Goldman, I.L. 2001. Excess sulfate supply and onion-induced human antiplatelet activity. J. Pl. Nut. Soil Sci. 164:457-462.
  49. Briggs, W.H., J.D. Folts, H.E. Osman, and I.L. Goldman. 2001. Administration of raw onion inhibits platelet-mediated thrombosis in dogs. J. Nutrition. 131:2619-2622.
  50. Goldman I.L. 2001. Forgotten and Future Vegetable Phytoceuticals. In: Janick J., Whipkey A., editors. Trends in New Crops and New Uses, Proceedings of the Fifth National Symposium, Atlanta, GA, USA, 10–13 November 2001. ASHS Press; Alexandria, VA, USA: 2002. pp. 484–490. [Google Scholar]
  51. Goldman, I.L., and J.P. Navazio. 2002. History and breeding of table beet in the United States. Plant Breeding Reviews. 22:357-388.
  52. Briggs, W.H., and I.L. Goldman. 2002. Variation in economically and ecologically important traits in onion plant organs during reproductive development. Plant Cell and Environment. 25:1031-1037.
  53. Poon, W.Y.L. and I.L. Goldman. 2002. Comparative carotenoid accumulation and retention in Near-isogenic rprp and RPRP Inbred Carrot Lines. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 127:284-289.
  54. Goldman, I.L. 2002. Raymond Pearl, Smoking, and Longevity. Genetics. 162:997-1001. 
  55. Goldman, I.L. 2002, “Why Medicine Needs Agriculture” in NABC Report 14 on Foods for Health. 113-121. Print.
  56. Goldman, I.L. 2002. From Soil to Snake Oil: Possibilities and Limitations in Food Functionality. Proceedings of the Symposium on Fertilizing Crops for Functional Food. 3.1-3.4.
  57. Goldman, I.L. 2003. Onions and Other Allium Plants in Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. Ed. S.H. Katz.  8-14.
  58. Janick, J., and I.L. Goldman. 2003. Horticulture, horticultural science, and 100 years of ASHS. HortScience 38:883-900.
  59. Tiefenthaler, A.E., I.L. Goldman, and W.F. Tracy. 2003 Vegetable and Corn Yields in the United States, 1900-present. HortScience. 38:1080-1082.
  60. Osmont, K., Arnt, C., and I.L. Goldman. 2003. Temporal aspects of onion-induced antiplatelet activity. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 58:27-40.
  61. Goldman, I.L. 2003. Recognition of fruits and vegetables as healthful: vitamins and phytonutrients. HortTechnology. 13:1-6.
  62. Goldman, I.L. 2003. Back to the future of food: phytonutrients and quality in vegetable crops for the 21st century. Acta Horticulturae. 637: 353-360.
  63. Hovius, M.H.Y. and I.L. Goldman. 2003. Relationship of white rot resistance to pyruvate and S-alk(en)yl-L-cysteine sulfoxides in onion roots. Acta Horticulturae. 637: 195-201.
  64. Goldman, I.L. 2004. Intellectual legacy of the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment. Plant Breeding Reviews. 24(1):61-78.
  65. Tracy, W.F., I.L. Goldman, A.E. Tiefenthaler, and M. Schaber. 2004. Trends in productivity of US crops and long term selection. Plant Breeding Reviews. 24(2):89-108.
  66. Hovius, M.H.Y.  B. Yandell, and I.L. Goldman. 2004. Evaluation of long-day onions for resistance to white rot infection using greenhouse and laboratory techniques. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 129(2): 258-265 .
  67. Hovius, M.H.Y. K.L. Parkin, and I.L. Goldman. 2004. Flavor precursor (S-alk(en)yl-l-cysteine sulfoxide) concentration and composition in onion plant organs and predictability of field white rot reaction of onions. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 130(2): 196-202.
  68. Koch, T., and I.L. Goldman. 2004. A one-pass semi-quantitative method for extraction and analysis of carotenoids and tocopherols in carrot. HortScience. 39(6): 1260-1261. PDF
  69. Goldman, I.L. 2004. “Biennial Crops” in Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. Ed. R.M. Goodman. 122-124.
  70. Goldman, I.L. 2004. “Breeding Biennial Crops” in Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. Ed. R.M. Goodman. 171-173.
  71. Koch, T., and I. L. Goldman 2005. Relationship of Carotenoids and Tocopherols in a sample of Carrot root-color accessions and carrot germplasm carrying Rp and rp Alleles. J. Agr. Food Chem. 53:  325-331
  72. Gaertner, V. L., and I L. Goldman. 2005. Pigment distribution and total dissolved solids of selected cycles of table beet from a recurrent selection program for increased pigment. Journal of the   American Society for Horticultural Science.  130(3): 424-43.
  73. Goldman, I.L. 2005. “Breeding: Evolutionary Aspects” in Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. Ed. R.M. Goodman. Print.
  74. Briggs, W.H., and I.L. Goldman. 2006.Genetic Variation and Selection Response in Model Breeding Populations of Brassica rapa following a Diversity Bottleneck. The Genetics Society of America.172:457-46.
  75. Tel-Zur, N. and I. L. Goldman. 2007. Analysis of sub-populations of rapid-cycling Brassica rapa following recurrent bi-directional selection for cotyledon size. Plant Breeding. 166: 62-66.
  76. Kalt, W., A. B. Howell, S. L. MacKinnon, and I. L. Goldman. 2007. Selected bioactivited of Vaccinium berries and other fruit crops in relation to their phenolic contents. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 87: 2279-2285.
  77. Goldman, I.L. and P.W. Simon. 2007. “Carrot” in Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement. Ed. Ram J. Singh. 497-516.
  78. Goldman, I. L. 2008. Energy Transformations in a Land Grant College: The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center. NABC Report 20: Reshaping American Agriculture to Meet its Biofuel and Biopolymer Roles. 211-221.
  79. Goldman, I. L. 2008. “Table Beet” in Vegetables I. Ed. Jaime Prohens and F. Nuez. New York:  Springer. 219-238. Print.
  80. Freidig, A.K., and I.L. Goldman. 2011.Variation in oxalic acid content among commercial table beet cultivars and related crops. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 136:54-60.
  81. Goldman, I.L. 2011. Molecular breeding of healthy vegetables. EMBO Reports. 12:96-102.
  82. Hansen, E., Folts, J., and I.L. Goldman. 2012. Effect of cooking on onion-induced antiplatelet activity in human subjects. Nutrition Journal. 11:76.
  83. Arscott, S., and I.L. Goldman. 2012. Selenium enrichment in sprouts of Brassica and Allium species. HortScience. 47:497-502
  84. Hatlestad, G.J., M. Rasika, N. Sunnadeniya, A. Akhavan, A. Gonzalez, I.L. Goldman, J. M. McGrath, and A. Lloyd. 2012. The beet R locus encodes a new cytochrome P450 required for red betalain production. Nature Genetics 44:816-820.
  85. Goldman, I.L. 2013. Genetic diversity and plant breeding. In Levin, S.A. (ed). Encyclopedia of Bioiversity, 2nd Ed. Elsevier, Inc. 1:459-469
  86. Schaber, M.A. and I.L. Goldman. 2013. Visual versus marker-based selection of hybrid progeny in fertile x fertile beet and carrot crosses. Crop Science. 53:1419-1426
  87. Goldman, I.. 2014. The Future of Breeding Fruit and Vegetables with Human Health Functionality: Realities, Challenges, and Opportunities. HortScience49:133-137
  88. Luby, C.H., Maeda, H.A., and I.L. Goldman. 2014. Genetic and phonological variation of tocochromanol (Vitamin E) content in wild (Daucus carota L. var. carota) and domesticated carort (D. carota L. var. sativa). Horticulture Research. doi:10.1038/hortres.2014.15
  89. Freidig, A., and I.L. Goldman. 2014. Geosmin (2β,6α-Dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]decan-1β-ol) Production Associated with Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris Is Cultivar Specific. J. Agric. Food Chem. 62: 2031–2036
  90. Luby, C., Michaels, T., Kloppenburg, J., and Goldman, I. 2015. Enhancing freedom to operate for plant breeders and farmers through open source plant breeding. Crop Science 55:1-8.
  91. Goldman, I.L. 2015. Introduction to a special issue on intellectual property issues in plant breeding. Crop Science.doi:10.2135/cropsci2015.09.0001in
  92. Luby, C.H., R. Vernon, H.A. Maeda, and I.L. Goldman. 2015. Lack of Correspondence Between Experimentally-Determined Values of Vitamin E in Carrot (Daucus carota L.) and Those Reported in the USDA National Nutrient Database. HortScience, 50:1595–1597.
  93. Luby, C.H., J.C. Dawson, and. Goldman. 2016. Assessment and accessibility of phenotypic and genotypic diversity of carrot (Daucus carota L. var. sativus) cultivars commercially available in the United StatesPLOS One, 11(12): e0167865. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167865
  94. Luby, C.H., J.R. Kloppenburg, and I.L. Goldman. 2016. Open source plant breeding and the Open Source Seed Initiative. Plant Breeding Reviews, 40:271-298.
  95. Luby, C.H.,and I.L. Goldman. 2016. Improving freedom to operate in carrot breeding through the development of eight open source composite populations of carrot (Daucus carota  var. sativus). Sustainability  8(5), 479; doi:10.3390/su8050479
  96. Luby, C.H., and I.L. Goldman. 2016. Freeing Crop Genetics through the Open Source Seed Initiative.PLOS Biology, 14(4): e1002441. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002441.
  97. Luby, C.H., and I.L. Goldman. 2016. Release of eight open source carrot (Daucus carota var. sativa) composite populations developed under organic conditions. HortScience, 51:448-450.
  98. Baranski, R., Goldman, I., Nothnagel, T., Scott, J.W., 2016. Improving Color Sources by Plant Breeding and Cultivation. In: Carle, R., Schweiggert, R.M. (Eds.), Handbook on Natural Pigments in Food and Beverages: Industrial Applications for Improving Food Color. Woodhead Publishing, pp. 429–472.
  99. Tanumihardjo S.A., Suri D., Simon P. and Goldman I.L., 2016. Vegetables of Temperate Climates: Carrot, Parsnip, and Beetroot. In: Caballero, B., Finglas, P., and Toldrá, F. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Food and Health vol. 5, pp. 387-392. Oxford: Academic Press.
  100. Minmin Wang, Samuel Lopez-Nieves, Irwin L. Goldman, and Hiroshi A. Maeda, 2017. Limited Tyrosine Utilization Explains Lower Betalain Contents in Yellow than in Red Table Beet Genotypes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 65: 4305–4313 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b00810
  101. Brad Barham, Irwin Goldman, Jordan van Rijn, Jeremy Foltz, and Maria Isabella Agnes. 2017. Land-Grant University Faculty Attitudes in and Engagement with Open Source Scholarship and Commercialization . Agricultural and Environmental Letters. doi:2134/ael2017.03.0008
  102. Goldman, I.L. 2017. William Friedman, Geneticist turned cryptographer. Genetics. 206: 1-8;
  103. Maher, L., and I.L. Goldman. 2017. Bi-Directional Recurrent Half Sib Family Selection for Geosmin Concentration in Table Beet (Beta vulgaris). Crop Science. 57:2564–2574. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.02.0111
  104. Maher, L., and I.L. Goldman. 2018. Endogenous Production of Geosmin in Table Beet. HortScience. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI12488-17 53: 67-72
  105. Shelby L. Ellison, Claire H. Luby, Keo E. Corak, Kevin M. Coe, Douglas Senalik, Massimo Iorizzo, Irwin L. Goldman, Philipp W. Simon, Julie C. Dawson. 2018. Carotenoid Presence Is Associated with the Or Gene in Domesticated Carrot. Genetics 210: 1497-1508;
  106. D’Angelo, C.J. and I.L. Goldman. 2018. Temporal Aspects of Vernalization and Flowering in Long-Day Storage Onion. J. Amer. Soc. Hort Sci. 143(6):446-453.
  107. Goldman, I.L. 2018. The University of Wisconsin carrot breeding and genetics program: 69 cycles of breeding for improved quality, productivity, and accessibility in processing carrot. Acta Horticulturae 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1264.5.
  108. Dwivedi, S., Goldman, I.L., Ortiz, R. 2019. Pursuing the Potential of Heirloom Cultivars to Improve Adaptation, Nutritional, and Culinary Features of Food Crops. Agronomy 9(8), 441;
  109. D’Angelo, C.J., and Goldman, I.L. 2019. Annualization of the Long Day Onion Breeding Cycle through Threshold Vernalization and Dormancy Disruption. Crop Breed Genet Genom. 2019;1:e190009.
  110. D’Angelo, C.J., and Goldman, I.L. 2019. Breaking Onion Bulb Endodormancy with Hydrogen Peroxide. HortScience 54:1694–1702
  111. Hanson, S.J., and Goldman, I.L. 2019. Genotype Is Primarily Responsible for Variance in Table Beet Geosmin Concentration, but Complex Genotype × Environment Interactions Influence Variance in Total Dissolved Solids. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 144:429-438.
  112. Dwivedi, S.L., Goldman, I.L., Ceccarelli, S., Ortiz, R., 2020. Advanced analytics, phenomics, and biotechnology approaches to enhance genetic gains in plant breeding. Advances in Agronomy.
  113. Wigg, K.S., and I.L. Goldman, 2020. Variability in Reaction to Root and Crown Rot Caused by Rhizoctonia Solani Among Table Beet Cultivars, Breeding Lines, and Plant Introductions in Controlled Environment Conditions. HortScience. 55:1482-94.
  114. Goldman, I.L. 2020. Celebrating the International Year of Plant Health. Crop Science. 13. October.
  115. Brainard Scott H., Bustamante Julian A., Dawson Julie C., Spalding Edgar P., Goldman Irwin L. 2021. A Digital Image-Based Phenotyping Platform for Analyzing Root Shape Attributes in Carrot. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12. DOI=10.3389/fpls.2021.690031
  116. Solveig J Hanson, Julie C Dawson, Irwin L Goldman. 2021. Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris chromosome 8 shows significant association with geosmin concentration in table beet, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, Volume 11, Issue 12, jkab344
  117. Brainard, S.H., Ellison, S.L., Simon, P.W. et al. 2021. Genetic characterization of carrot root shape and size using genome-wide association analysis and genomic-estimated breeding values. Theor Appl Genet.
  118. Goldman Irwin L., Janick Jules. 2021. Evolution of Root Morphology in Table Beet: Historical and Iconographic. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12. DOI=10.3389/fpls.2021.689926
  119. Luby, C, Cornelius, D, Goldman, I. 2021. Learning from the land: Developing a course on Indigenous foodways. Nat Sci Educ. 50:e20072.
  120. Cramer, C.S., Mandal  S., SharmaS., Shahabedddin NourbakhshS.  Goldman, I., and Guzman, I. 2021.. Agronomy. 11(3), 482;
  121. Hanson, S.J., Dawson, J.C., Goldman, I.L. 2022. Participatory plant breeding reveals that geosmin concentration is not the central determinant of hedonic liking in table beet. Euphytica.  218:14.
  122. Wigg, K.S., Brainard, S.H., Metz, N., Dorn, K.M., Goldman, I.L. 2022. Novel QTL associated with Rhizoctonia solani Kühn resistance identified in two table beet × sugar beet F2:3 populations using a new table beet reference genome. Crop Science. DOI: 10.1002/csc2.20865
  123. Gaulke, E., and I.L. Goldman. 2022. Screening table beet and Swiss chard for resistance to Psueomonas syringae pathovar aptata. HortScience 57(11):1436-1446.
  124. Meyer, C.M., Goldman, I.L., Grzebelus, Krysan, P.J., 2022. Efficient production of transgene‑free, gene‑edited carrot plants via protoplast transformation. Plant Cell Reports
  125. Goldman, I.L., and Vega-Alfaro, A., 2022. Beet, Turnip. In: Mou, B. ed. Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America. List 28. HortScience 57(8):949-1040.
  126. Dwivedi, S.L., Heslop-Harrison, P., Spillane, C., McKeown, P.C., Edwards, D., Goldman, I., Ortiz, R. 2023. Evolutionary Dynamics and Adaptive Benefits of Deleterious Mutations in Crop Genepools. Trends in Plant Sci. 28(6) 685-697.
  127. DePorter, H., Moss, S., Ayo Puc, G., Ayalasomayajula, K., & Goldman, I. 2023. Campus Food Shed: Student-led efforts at UW-Madison to support food-insecure peers. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 12(2), 25–35.
  128. D’Angelo, A., Goldman, I.L. 2023. Temporal accumulation of geosmin, oxalic acid, and total dissolved solids in table beet. HortScience. 58(9), 974-982
  129. Vega-Alfaro, A., Goldman, I.L. 2023. Plant density does not affect root shape traits associated with market class in carrot. HortScience 58(9):996-1004
  130. Dixon, L.S., Goldman, I.L. 2023. Cultivar and fungicide evaluations for Cercospora leaf spot control in organic and conventional table beet production. HortTechnology. 33(5):440-451.
  131. Goldman, I.L., Wang, Y., Vega Alfaro, A., Brainard, S., Oravec. M.W., McGregor, C., van der Knaap, E. 2023. Form and contour: breeding and genetics of organ shape from wild relatives to modern vegetable crops. Frontiers in Plant Science. 28 September. DOI 10.3389/fpls.2023.1257707
  132. Goldman, I.L. 2017. Plant Breeding Reviews. Editor. Volume 41. Wiley. London
  133. Goldman, I.L. 2018. Plant Breeding Reviews. Editor. Volume 41. Wiley. London
  134. Goldman, I.L. 2019. Plant Breeding Reviews. Editor. Volume 42. Wiley. London
  135. Goldman, I.L. 2020. Plant Breeding Reviews. Editor. Volume 43. Wiley. London.
  136. Goldman, I.L. 2021. Plant Breeding Reviews. Editor. Volume 44. Wiley. London.
  137. Goldman, I.L., editor. 2022. Plant Breeding Reviews. Volume 45. Wiley. London.
  138. Goldman, I.L., editor. 2023. Plant Breeding Reviews. Volume 46. Wiley, New York.
  139. Goldman, I.L., editor. 2024. Plant Breeding Reviews. Volume 47. American Society of Agronomy-Crop Science Society of America-Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
  140. Goldman, I.L., editor. 2024. Horticultural Reviews. Volume 52. American Society of Agronomy-Crop Science Society of America-Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI
  141. Goldman, I.L. 2021. Root vegetables. In Physiology of Vegetable Crops, 2nd Edition, C. Wien, editor. CABI International. Wallingford, UK.
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