
I advise undergraduate students in Horticulture and in the Plant Biology Option of the Biology Major. If you’d like to talk about these programs, please feel free to email me and we can make an appointment. Or, you can ask your questions via email. Below are some resources for students in these programs, including curriculum sheets and suggested four year plans.

If you are a student interested in Horticulture but currently studying in a different major, please know that many of our students join the department as transfer students. In fact, it is possible to complete most, if not all, of the primary horticulture requirements in four semesters, so transferring in to the department during the Sophomore year is quite common. Please let us know if you would like to discuss the curriculum and how it might fit you.

Horticulture has a Student Services Coordinator, Kathryn Jones, who can be found in Moore Hall or at Kathryn can be consulted on any aspect of our curriculum and academic needs. Kathryn is also responsible for Environmental Science majors and for the graduate Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics students.

Horticulture Curriculum Sheet and Four Year Plan

Horticulture Courses and When They are Offered

Horticulture Student Organization

Academic and Student Services

The Biology Major is the largest major at UW-Madison and this demonstrates tremendous student interest in the subject. We have recently created a track within the major for students interested in plant biology, called the “Plant Biology Option.” Please see below for more specifics on this option, and let us know if you have any questions.

Plant Biology Four Year Plan- Plant Biology Option

Plant Biology Curriculum Sheet with Plant Bio Option



© Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System, 2019